I received more entries for the Name the Authors Contest after I extended the deadline to Monday, 13 September, 2004.
The winning entry was sent in by Suat Lian. She got 20 names right. Suat Lian, please email me your snail mail address so I can get the book voucher to you!
In second and third place are Lion AA with 19 correct names and Jane with 17 names right.
Someone wrote and said that they would have guessed S. E. Hinton for Author L, but that the clue I'd given referred to a hit movie and they didn't think The Outsiders film was that good. Well, as a matter of fact, I wasn't impressed by it either. However, it was a worldwide success and Author L is S. E. Hinton.
Below are the complete list of authors names:
A. Joan Aiken
B. Louisa May Alcott
C. Judy Blume
D. Enid Blyton
E. CS Lewis
F. Meg Cabot
G. Roald Dahl
H. Jennifer Donnelly
I. Elizabeth Enright
J. Cornelia Funke
K. Kenneth Grahame
L. SE Hinton
M. Tove Jansson
N. Diana Wynne Jones
O. Ursual Le Guin
P. John Masefield
Q. A. A. Milne
R. Garth NIx
S. Philip Pullman
T. JRR Tolkien
U. Laura Ingalls Wilder
I hope to post more contests/quizzes on this blog. Look out for the next one this time next week!
...it really was a worldwide success? -__- i was always under the impression (and honestly, not just my own biases) that it suffered in the mass market
darn =)
Posted by: | Wednesday, September 15, 2004 at 20:11