Title: How Santa Really Works
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Where You Bought This Book: It’s a review copy.
Main Characters: Santa and his elves.
What It’s All About: Have you ever wondered how Santa runs his “business”? This book reveals where Father Christmas lives, how he gets all our presents to us in time, how he knows what we want and if we’ve been good, plus lots, lots more. Like, training for elves and how they’re assigned to the different departments within Santa’s Workshop (eg. Reindeer Welfare, Customer Support and Weather). Myths are busted too. For example, Santa isn’t really fat – how would he fit down a chimney then?!! He’s actually quite skinny and very fit, but he has an emergency inflatable suit that he can activate if he is accidentally seen: it inflates with helium to aid a speedy exit up chimneys!
What I like About It: I love the busy illustrations. There’s loads happening on every page and the details are brilliant, including the conversations going on between the elves. I also like the way the elves are shaped – a bit like fat-bottomed teapots with spindly arms and legs.
If You Like The Sound of this Book, You Should Also Check Out These Titles:
1. How Dogs Really Work
2. The Truth about Cats
3. Stink Stoppers
4. The Monster Book of ABC Sounds
All four are also by Alan Snow.
Name of Reviewer: Daphne Lee
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