I paid another visit to Borders yesterday. Unfortunately it was another short one - a long, leisurely browse is impossible when Ekath (my two-year-old) is around.
The day before I'd been told by someone who works for a book distributor that a lot of stock hadn't arrived in time for the opening on the 19th. Lo and behold, when I went in yesterday, there were several Joan Aikens on the shelf, including The WItch of Clattering Shaws (the latest and last in the Wolves of Willoughby Chase series). Had I simply missed them the last time or had they come in in the meantime? Whatever the case, I got myself two titles: The Wolves of Willoughby Chase (to replace a copy that appears to have gone since I moved from USJ to Ampang) and Midwinter Nightingale, the penultimate book of the series. (I'm going to wait til Clattering Shaws comes out in paperback. I can't afford the hardback - RM68!!!)
Any new thoughts on Borders?
You know, I don't hate it as much as most people seem to. I'm happy just to find books I'm looking for and am not too particular about the colour of the shelves or the lack of carpet or whatever else bothers everyone else.
It's not that I don't have preferences when it comes to bookshops. It's just that I don't expect Borders, or Kino and MPH for that matter, to be more than just large spaces with lots of books. Eyeris mentioned something about hypermarket for books. Well, that's what Borders is, I guess. I certainly wasn't expecting it to be cosy!
Here's what my dream bookshop would be like:
- A mix of secondhand and new books.
- Wooden floors.
- At least one rickety staircase.
- Friendly, book-loving, non-snobbish staff. (It's nice to chat to bookshop owners/staff about books, but it's so off-putting to be told off for reading a bestseller - like I was when I mentioned enjoying the Da Vinci Code to the owner of a small, local bookshop. He then insisted I read Saramego's The Gospel According to Jesus Christ as an antidote to Dan Brown's "garbage"! I read the Gospel, but didn't enjoy it as much as the Code.)
- Some order when it comes to the new books but a glorious jumble when it come to the old ones because it's so much fun "discovering" forgotten gems.
- A comfy armchair or two, although not essential so long as sitting on the floor isn't frowned upon.
- Cups of tea and coffee, and biscuits offered to regular customers.
- Bach in the background.
Actually, I'd like to own this bookshop. In fact, how about a bookshop owned and run by people like Eyeris and Erna, Amelia, Liz Tai and me? How cool would that be!
The loans seem to be very useful for guys, which are willing to ground their career. In fact, that is not hard to receive a commercial loan.
Posted by: Middleton30NOLA | Friday, March 26, 2010 at 02:08
I came past on a Joan Aiken search and I'm definitely going to add your blog to my blogroll!
Anyway, could I come and work at this fabulous bookstore you have in your mind? Daphne, do you mind if I work in the Young Literature section with you?
Hmmm. My Resume should note that not only do I love books, but I can also bake a mean biscuit.
Posted by: Pippa | Sunday, July 24, 2005 at 09:29
i'll flock to any bookstores - especially one with rickety staircase!!! i love reading on staircases, infact, if i'd make it COMPULSORY to have all staircases lined with bookshelves.
Posted by: nyx | Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 21:14
Amelia: Yes, that's the idea. I'll do Children's/Young Adults/Lit? It's a dream but who knows ...
Posted by: Daphne | Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 17:46
Yeah, yeah :) We could all have our own individual sections in the bookstore but it'll be all under the same roof - err...I can be in charge of Chick Lit/Romance/Non-fiction/Angsty books?
Posted by: Amelia | Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 14:18
Sivin:I was really lookingfirward to attending Liz's affirmation (is that a word?!). I'm so happy she's found a place she feels good abt.
Will pop along one day. Wld be cool to meet you.
Wonder what you'll think of Borders. Drop me a comment when you have one abt the place.
Eyeris: When we are all millionaires perhaps ... Pity Erna isn't dating a rich, old man ... or is she???? ;-)
Posted by: Daphne | Saturday, April 23, 2005 at 07:41
after checking out your blog today .. I need to go to Borders.
Anyway, we missed you at church when Liz was affirmed. It would be great to meet you in person ...
oh yeah .. what did you put in her tea to make her come out of the "closet"?
Posted by: Sivin | Saturday, April 23, 2005 at 00:20
yeah, and I can be the buyer for the fantasy section. :)
Posted by: eyeris | Friday, April 22, 2005 at 23:34