I've finished Robin Hobb's Farseer Trilogy and I can't wait to find out what happens next.
I've been told that I should read The Liveship Traders Trilogy before moving on to The Tawny Man Saga, which continues the story of FitzChivalry, the boy/man whose fate we become so totally involved in in the Farseer books.
Well, I don't know if I can wait!
OK, OK, I shall make myself wait. It's going to be difficult though. I'm not known for my patience and I frequently read the last page of books so I don't have to suffer through the suspense of not knowing what happens. No, it doesn't spoil the story for me. Infact. it allows me to enjoy it better because I can just relax and enjoy the writing, instead of worry about what's in store for the characters.
It's taken every ounce of will power not to rush to a bookstore and flip to the end of the Fool's Fate, the final book in the whole series.
Just two little bones to pick with the Farseer books: First, I was astounded when I realised that the characters were speaking with American accents. How so? Well, in the second book, Royal Assassin, the Fool recites a bit of doggerel and rhymes "ass" with "pass"! I found that jarring, but I daresay I'm the only one. I mean, what accents are these people suposed to have anyway? German? Japanese? Singaporean?!!!
Second, I think the books' covers could be improved. The Bantam editions are particularly cheap and cheesy looking. The Voyager editions (above) are a little better, but still don't do the series justice. Does Robin Hobb actually like them? What's wrong with the woman?!! Again, I'm probably being fussy. After all, I've been known to cover books in paper just because the covers offend me so much I find I can't concentrate on the story!
Erm ... can someone lend me the Liveship Traders books? Liz? Mike? Anyone?
Er... John Howe (he of LOTR desgining fame) was the one who did the Voyager versions of the covers. The Bantam artist shouldbe SHOT though...
Posted by: eyeris | Wednesday, June 01, 2005 at 13:24