I've just finished reading two very enjoyable books:
The White Darkness by Geraldine McCaughrean and Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin (they're going to be reviewed for Star Mag).
They were so good I gobbled them up very fast and had no time to even enter them in my Current Reads list.
Ditto for Skylark and Cassie Binegar by Patricia MacLachlan. MacLachlan is the author of Sarah, Plain and Tall and Baby. Skylark is the sequel to Sarah and as good. There are two more books in this series; Caleb's Story and More Perfect Than the Moon, which I'm going to rush out and buy very, very soon.
MacLachlan is right up there (along with Laura Ingalls Wilder and Elizabeth Enright) on my list of favourite children's writers.
It's been a good week for good books.
The others, still on my Current Reads list, are taking longer as they are a lot fatter. Also, I am reading Here Be Monsters to Elesh so that's going very, very slowly as I get tired and can't manage more than chapter a night.
As for Botchan, I haven't had a nice, just-me-and-my-book breakfast for the longest time.
I'm looking forward to December. I'll be on leave and intend to read a great deal. Luckily my friend, Helen, who's visiting from Edinburgh, is also a great reader so we shall keep each other company doing what some say is an anti-social activity.
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